MORGANITE (Pink Beryl) is the stone of Divine Love. It promotes abundance of the heart and prosperity of love. Morganite releases unhealthy emotional patterns, helps develop trust, a sense of joy, and inner strength.
PI YAO/PIXIU is a very loyal creature, and will always attempt to rid its owner’s life of bad luck and replace it with WEALTH LUCK.They will guard your wealth in addition to bringing you more. It is also a great charm to have for business owners.
The Pi Yao is believed to offer its owner a minimum of eight blessings:
1. Brings fortune and good tidings
2. Producer of good Feng Shui or Earth luck
3. Attracts wealth and prosperity
4. Safeguards the home and the residents in it
5. Exterminates evil, adversity and obstacles
6. Summons windfall luck
7. Protects from accident during travel
8. Appeases Tai Sui