Black Onyx Mystic Knot Amulet
MYSTIC KNOT is a symbol made of intertwined infinity signs for everlasting love, longevity and prosperity. It is also used as a symbol for protection against misfortunes, heart breaks, illness, accidents and other dangers. Rubbing the knot is also believed to help anger or fear to subside and allow for mental clarity.
CARNELIAN encourages understanding of inner self and better concentration. It helps one overcome the fear of public speaking, balance creative and organizational abilities making it a fast-acting stone for career success. Red Carnelian also has clearing effects, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones. It can make it easier for you to find direction, and its grounding effects make it easier for you to feel in control of your life.
BLACK ONYX absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. It also aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.