AMETHYST | Intuition • Relaxation • Clarity
It is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, over stressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches, and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be hot-headed and easily angered. It also helps you get a good night's rest and sleep through the night.
HEMATITE is the most powerful gemstone to use for grounding. It removes scattered energy from your energy field and repels negative thoughts from your mind and the minds of others.
Hematite works wonders in shifting negative feelings on the source of the emotional challenge.
It encourages inner peace and a quiet mind.
Hematite helps one see the silver lining on every dark cloud and light at the end of every tunnel. It lends one strength, courage and fortitude for moving through adversity.